Our Team
Jennifer Reid
As the founder of LiveWire Fitness, Jennifer understands the dedication and determination required to get healthy and lose weight. Jennifer is a marathoner, cyclist, triathlete, certified as an Indoor Cycling Instructor, RRCA Running Coach, Wellness Coach and an Elite Personal Trainer from the nationally recognized Cooper Institute in Dallas, Texas. With boundless energy, a natural ability to inspire and a knack for making anyone feel at ease, Jennifer truly knows how to help people dig deep and realize their full potential. Being physically fit has changed her life and her desire is to help her clients experience similar results through programs that are effective, fresh and fun.
Paul Reid
Since LiveWire was founded in 2008, Paul has worked with Jennifer behind the scenes to help establish LiveWire as one of the premiere fitness groups in North Texas. After joining a LiveWire boot camp and losing 25lbs, Paul decided to become a Cooper Elite Certified personal trainer, Wellness Coach and RRCA certified running coach. He’s seen for himself what amazing things can happen as a result of proper diet and exercise going from a couch potato to an instructor, cyclist, runner and triathelete. Perhaps that’s why his favorite part of being a LiveWire trainer is helping members realize just what they are capable of achieving.
Camerine Day
Camerine is a real life cowgirl, competitive rock climber, mountain biker, kick-boxer and triathlete. Growing up in a fit family (her parents are half and full marathon runners) a healthy lifestyle has always come natural to her. As a Cooper Elite Certified Personal Trainer, she wants to help others through fitness showing them how to live a healthy lifestyle. In her spare time, she enjoys cooking and adapting her favorite foods into healthy meals that taste great. Camerine loves all the things that living healthy and exercising have brought into her life. Now, her passion is to share this with others.
Deidra Headley
Deidra is a wife, mother of 2 and a Cooper Certified Personal Trainer. While attending a LiveWire boot camp she found the passion the trainers had was something she wanted to be a part of. Her goal is to lead by example and empower others to get fit at any stage of life! Deidra also has a passion for running, she has completed many 5k's, 10k’s, half marathons and a marathon in 2002. Deidra's energy is contagious and she is excited to share LiveWire Fitness with the North Dallas community.
Susan Funk
Susan is a native mid-westerner that grew up in a sports minded family where she learned the value of hard work and dedication. Susan earned a BS in Physical Education and Health from Michigan State University. While Susan is a runner at heart, running 5k’s, half and full marathons - over the past 20 years, she has been involved in all aspects of fitness as a personal trainer, aerobics coordinator, running coach and boot camp instructor. Susan loves to help others reach their life and fitness goals!